

Whatsapp is one of the most widely used instant messager app with over 600million users,it is hard this days to find a person that has a mobile device that is supported by whatsapp which whatsapp is not installed on. What makes the IM app to be as if it is an a must have app for all is what i don't know but i guess it is because of the cool features that it has. whatsapp share button

Have you ever wondered how much traffic you can drive to your blog/website by just sharing an article to your whatsapp contacts?, or wondered if it is possible to add a Whatsapp share button to your blog?

In this post i will show you steps that you can follow and add the sharebutton successfully and double your blog/website traffic.

Also Read:-How To Hide Last Seen Feature On Whatsapp For Android Phone Users.

How to add whatsapp share button on WordPress Blogs

To add the whatsapp share button on your wordpress blog firstly you have to download Mobile share bar plugin and upload it to your wordpress blog and install it.

Not only that the plugin have the feature that allow your blog readers to share your content with their friends on Whatsapp, it also allows them to share your content on other social networks like Google+,Facebook and Twitter but the Sharebar only appears to your visitors If they are browsing with a mobile device.

You can customize the plugin to be displaying the sharebar buttons on top or at the bottom of your website/blog.

The current feature of the plugin only displays the sharebar on IOS device but don't panic because you can still be able to make it visible to all devices by just clicking on plugin>settings> then click the "Show Everywhere" box

How To add WhatsApp share button on non-WordPress blogs.

For blogger (blogSpot) bloggers or website owners you can add the sharebar to your blog / website using Whatspp sharing button tool to generate the code and placing it anywhere that you want it to appear on your blog /website.

You can as well customize the sharebar to your taste.

Thanks for reading. Cheers!

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  1. This information is very nice. Almost the first time i will be getting such info from a blog online. Thanks for this info bro. frm Earn Online


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